Monday, February 20, 2012

I'm beginning to look...

After being on the tail-end of the plague-like illness that has ailed me for the past two weeks or more, I am coming out of the fog to realize that I probably should start doing some things wedding-related.  We've pretty much decided that January will be when we get married for practical reasons.  Not because of the song.  While it would be fun to have an outdoor wedding, this will probably work out better.

I found a really affordable place called Jim Miller Hall in J-town.  It is an old church building from the late 1800s and comes with a creepy graveyard and a Gallapalooza horse.  And tables and chairs.  To be honest, the Gallapalooza horse is the most exciting thing about it.  I'm pretty sure it has Abraham Lincoln on the side.

Holy cow.  That is beautiful AND patriotic.  I might cry.

I'm thinking about using Bootleg BBQ for food.  It's cheap, good, and everyone loves barbecue as far as I know.  I also perused Craigslist for a time today, however, I was quickly distracted by the "Missing Connections" and "Best of Craigslist" sections.  I did find a supplier of free manure for my dad, but that has nothing to do with weddings.

I actually emailed places for price quotes today.  I'm not sure what's wrong with me.  I think maybe getting my engagement ring back from Benton's really helped inspire me.  By the way, Benton's Fine Jewelry in Jeffersonville is awesome.  I can't even tell which stone fell out of my ring, and they told me to make sure that I came back periodically so they could check the posts so that wouldn't happen again. Plus, I feel great about supporting a local business.



Nice blog! Yay bootleg. Worked for us.

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